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girls chat english

What is girls chat?

Sometimes girls need a safe haven place to talk with other girls. This chatroom was set up with this purpose in mind and is one of the originals for this community dating back 20+ years. Very popular hang out amongst female users to make new friends and catch up with old ones. Some like the excitement of chatting with random strangers. The room size can range from 150-400 users during peak times throughout the day. There are no additional downloads required and is compatible with all devices include mobile phones and tablets. Full line of exclusive in-chat features and options to keep you entertained for hours. We recommend to use modern browsers with the preferred choice being Google Chrome.

Rules and Regulations:

All rules below must be followed. This is a fully moderated room with report features built in.

• The minimum required age is 13 years of age.
• This free live chat requires no registration or set up to join. Absolutely no payments or fees required.
• The rooms are fully compatible with all mobile and tablet devices.
• There are several fun rooms to choose from such as a gossip and quiz room. VIP members can also create their own.
• You agree this is for girls, "chicks", women and gals. This is not a community for boys to meet girls.
• Do not share or exchange any personal information.
• When you talk to other girls, please be respectful and courteous.
• Do not flood the chat room or disrupt other users in any way. You will be banned if you do.
• Do not share, repost or distribute any existing conversations you may have had with any other users. This constitutes a violation of their privacy.
• Do not harass or disturb other users, moderators or administrators. You may be subject to a mute, kick or ban. (This includes circumventing any existing block, mute, kick or ban)
• Nicknames and messages must be clean. Avoid using the words young, younger, older for younger, and daddy as your nickname.
• Do not use this channel to distribute, request or exchange any goods or services including gift cards, money, credit, credit card information, or anything else of monetary value.
• Any suspicious activities relating to the exploitation of other online users, report it to a moderator or admin immediately.
• Although we do staff moderators, they cannot be on every minute of the day. There are other ways to notify staff of any issues.
• Hack/exploit of the chatroom is a punishable offence by law. We have logs and will report to ISP/Police anyone who does.
• Only clean and appropriate profile pictures are allowed.
• Permanent server bans will be placed on users who attempt to exploit/hack our chat rooms.
• Please report any technical issues or outages to a moderator or using our contact page.

Is it safe to chat online for girls?

Whether online or offline safety differences have rarely been questioned, there are some points women should be aware of when taking their social interations online. Chatting online can also bring its share of dangers to women. Read more about girls chat safety here